Adv. Muhammad Abbabsi is an associate at Zilberboim & Co. and practices civil-commercial litigation.
Muhammad represents the firm's clients in commercial disputes. As of 2023, Muhammad is part of the Zilberboim & Co. team.
Muhammad completed his internship at Miller & CO. Law firm in the litigation department.
During his undergraduate studies, Muhammad worked as a tutor for Aleh - The Society of Blind and Dyslexic Students in Israel in which he helped and tutored university students with visual impairments.
Also, Muhammad was picked to work as a research assistance for Dr. Rabeaa Assy, Muhammad provided research assistance for an article discussing the expressive dimension of procedural law. Dr Assy article was published in Oxford Journal of legal studies on 2023.
Education :LL.B, University of Haifa (2021).
Certification: Member of the Israel Bar Association (2023).
Languages: Hebrew, English and Arabic.
Phone: 03-6072225
Fax: 03-6072250